Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Karen, we hardly knew ye.

It's always so uplifting to hear Rick Santorum preach against recreational sex and promote his rigid Catholicism. One can only assume that his wife, Karen, is every bit as moral as he. But wait. The pious Mrs. Santorum, a devout Catholic mother of seven, has a past that seems a little, tiny, itsy bitsy, out of step with their present moral high ground. I'm referring to her six-year love affair with Thomas E. Allen, an abortion doctor. Imagine that. And don't picture them as young lovers. He, in fact, was not only 40 years older than her, but he was the doctor who delivered her. Despite this shocking history, Ms. Santorum, like her husband, is a sanctimonious fraud and now opposes abortion even in the case of rape. These Republicans are so endlessly fascinating in their hypcrisy. Why hasn't the news made this bit of information more available?

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